Medical Rooms

Maximum possible care is being taken of children during the school hours. A medical room has been specially formulated for this very purpose. Basic first aid facilities are provided for the students whenever required. Parents are kept informed of the health status of their wards.

The school provides Dispensary facilities within the school Premises. The dispensary serves all kinds of first aid, medicines and other minor medical services as per the emergency needs.

The school has a well-equipped dispensary for first aid and minor medical services. School has the links with all the local hospitals and doctors for any emergency. We make sure that First Aid Kit is always available.

Our Infirmary

At our school, the well being of learners is of utmost importance. We provide direct nursing services to learners and staff members to maximize health and wellness in the school community. The school infirmary is equipped with the basic materials and facilities to address the health needs of learners while in school. An on-site trained and qualified female staff is available to manage and assess any health issues that may arise during school hours.

Our school has a well equipped infirmary that provides first-aid to a pupil in need, under the supervision of a full time doctor and nurse. The learner’s basic physical development is checked and reported every term by the school staff. She also educates the school community about health through school projects and the school newsletter.

School’s Infirmary Policy

Following duties are performed by our qualified, on-campus medical professionals:

  • Attend to learners who are injured or become ill while at school, administer first-aid and other emergency nursing measures and arrange for medical attention where the circumstances indicate.
  • Secure and carry out medically approved written instructions for care of sick and injured learners.
  • Initiate various screening activities to ascertain learner’s health appraisal.
  • Confer with teachers, students and parents regarding management of identified health problems.
  • Provide instructions to children and parents in subjects such as nutrition, rest and relaxation, communicable diseases and home healthcare.
  • Exclude and re-admit sick learners in accordance with existing school health regulations and policies.
  • Provide updated health and care information to parents, teachers and other health authorities.
  • Maintain accurate and updated health records of all learners with confidentiality and care. Coordinate with hospitals, first-aid services and other medical facilities.
Medical Unit

The school medical service is provided by a first-rate medical unit that monitors our pupils on the school’s premises. Each year, this unit also imparts training in health matters through first-aid courses to our teaching and non-teaching staff. Our school believes in giving comprehensive care to the learners. A trained staff is on duty in the infirmary throughout the school hours.

Watching Out For Your Child’s Health

The school staff is constantly in contact with parents concerning certain aspects of the child’s health, for example ensuring that the child takes medication at a scheduled hour or observing the child following convalescence.

In addition to looking after students who are sent to the school infirmary, the school staff encourages participation in various health programs set up by the local government, such as vaccinations and dental health programs. We also take a proactive approach in dealing with cyclical or specific health concerns that occur in some age groups and design campaigns for protection and prevention.


For any emergency, the school has arrangements with the local hospital which is located near the school. We also have a tie-up with the same hospital, which conducts a health check once a year. The children go through a dental, eye and ENT check-up. Our learners are also examined by the pediatrician on a regular basis. Computerized records of the medical history of each pupil are maintained by the school.